
119% D.A. from July 2015 - Cabinet Committee may approve tomorrow.

119% D.A. from July 2015

With the reliable source of media, the Cabinet committee in its meeting tomorrow is likely to approve an additional Dearness Allowance for Central Government employees due from July 2015.

This is the second installment of this year, from July to December 2015, an additional Dearness Allowance may be hiked by 6% as per the calculations recommended by 6th CPC. Now the Central Government employees and pensioners are getting 113% DA and DR, after the declaration by the Cabinet Committee. With the announcement of All India Consumer Price Index for the month of June, 2015, the average stood at 254.41. Hence the Central Government Employees are entitled for D.A. at 119% of pay w.e.f.01/07/2015.