
Important 11 points while Converting ".TXT" or ".Zip" File of Form 16 & 16A into ".PDF" File.

As you know, Tin.nsdl has provided the complete procedure to convert form 16 and 16A zip file/text file to pdf file. Now a days many taxpayee are in big confusion about this issue as the form 16 and 16A are available to download from the tin website but converting the file to pdf was not easy. Therefore, I would like to share the complete procedure to convert form 16 and 16a zip file to pdf file.

Important 11 Points to Convert Form 16 & 16A zip file to Pdf File: 
  1. Extract Zip file containing TDS certificate data in text form by using WinZip version 9.0 and above, WinRaR version 3.90 and above and 7-Zip version 4.65 and above.
  2. Extract zip file by providing the TAN registration number.
  3. Open the “PDF converter utility” by double clicking the file “PDF Converter Utility.bat”.
  4. Click on “Browse” button of “Input File Name with Path” and provide path of Form 16/16A text files (see Fig 1.6 below). Example: files are selected from D drive. In case multiple file received select all the files in single browse.  
  5. Select the text file and click on button “Open” (see fig 1.6 above). Example: In case the text file pertains to Form 16A, files are copied at path D:\Form16A and the input file name is MUML00051C_201112_Q3_FORM_16A_0000001751_0001_OF_0001.txt.
  6. Click on “Browse” button of “Output File Path” and provide path where PDF file is to be created (see Fig 1.7 below). Example: the output file path is D:\Form16A.
  7. On selecting the location for saving the PDF file, click on “Open” button (see Fig 1.7 above).
  8. Select option to sign TDS certificate: Option to digitally sign or manually sign TDS certificate is available. a. Digital Signature (DSC): i. E-Token: To select DSC from e-Token, click on e-Token, provide the name of e-Token (by default the name provided in this field is eToken and the same may be changed) and provide the password in the field ‘E-Token Password’. Password is case sensitive (See Fig. 1.8).ii. Import DSC (.pfx file): To select .pfx file, click on ‘Import DSC (.pfx file)’ again click on browse and select the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and provide the DSC password in the field. ‘Digital Certificate Password’. Password is case sensitive. Click on ‘Detect Certificate’ (See Fig. 1.9).iii. DSC from Browser: To select DSC installed in browser, click on ‘DSC from Browser’. It will display DSC installed in browser. Select the DSC through which you wish to sign the PDF digitally (see fig. 1.10). b. Manual Signature: Select ‘manual signature’ to generate PDF. Utility will generate TDS certificate without signature. Deductor has to sign each certificate manually.
  9. Provide Details to be Printed on Form 16/16A (details of responsible person): a. Full Name: Provide full name of responsible person to be printed on PDF certificate.b. Designation: Provide designation of responsible person to be printed on Form 16A PDF. c. Father’s Name: Provide father’s name of responsible person to be printed on Form 16A PDF. d. Place: Provide place to be printed in ‘verification part’ of Form 16A PDF. e. Date: Provide date to be printed in ‘verification part’ of Form 16A PDF. Date should be in dd/mm/yyyy format.
  10. Click on “Generate PDF” button available on the Form 16/16A PDF converter utility window.
  11. On successful conversion of PDF files message “File generated successfully” will be provided (see Fig 1.10 below) and utility will generate the folder (folder name will be TAN_FORM16A_AY_Quarter_Date) which contain PDF of all the deductee PANs present in input file. Naming convention of pdf file for Form 16 is ‘PAN_FORM16_AY_Quarter.pdf’ and for Form 16A is ‘PAN_FORM16A_AY_Quarter.pdf’.


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